WOOOOoooaaAAAAHH I made it thru all 7 days. WAHOOOOOOOO. Ok I got to make this one quick because I still want to make one more pic for Pico Day and I think it may take the better part of the day for me to finish it. Soooo, uh, here we goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Today's artist is @SoftDon!
SD is a really, really, really good artist and if you don't believe me, then, uuhhhh LOOK AT THIS:
Oh no that ones by Pablo Picasso...Does he post on Newgrounds still?
Errr, OH, did you guys know Don does the thumbnails for super emga? That's a let's play channel. What a sweet gig! Here's some of his stuff:
W-wait...This is OneyPlays. Uuuhh, i thought I had some super mega stuff somewhere...WELL how about this! Did you guys know Don made Cassette Girl?????? Here's some neat pixel art he did:
"Invest in bitcoin," said Cassette Girl. "Bitcoin is the needle, not the bubble!"
Oh here's my pic of the Cassette Girl!
Oh no that's picasso again...
Don's Stuff: